Her Controller had long ago made it clear that whatever her old, pretend slave self thought, the only real ‘choice’ was ‘away from pleasure’ o... ‘towards pleasure’, and that nobody would ever choose the path away from pleasure. Which meant that there really was no such thing as ‘choice’ at all. Soon, she would gratefully relinquish even the idea. The stranger moaned and gasped under her lips, her Controller had taught her how to pleasure both men and women. She no longer had a sexual preference,. He thought thefresh air would be good for the baby, and he was correct. He set thebrakes on the buggy so that it would not roll and he sat down on thebench, pulled out today's newspaper from his coat pocket and preparedto read.Norman did not realize the attraction that a little baby gets. Everypasserby without exception would stop and admire the infant boy,knowing it was a boy by the color of the blue blanket. Soon anothernew mother pushing her baby in its buggy, saw Norman and asked if. Was so successful. She had a good head on her shoulders and was beautiful to boot. So, if she couldn’t wow a group of investors with the wits he was sure she had with her…Dan, after searching all those seedy clubs and swingers’ newsletters online, had resolved to see if Sarah could pull a few strings or even grant him and Kay an evening amongst her clientele. Upon receiving his phone call, Sarah had thought it over and reckoned that she could help them out with a stipulation or two of her own.. I think you better nip those thoughts right out of your head" I remarked."On the contrary, honey. Mom knows the details and she's fine with it. It would be your hang-up if you don't want to"Janice had me there.Now my mother in law, Maggie was over 60 exactly how far over I couldn't tell you. She had all the trappings that wealth could provide. She went to the gym regularly and I know she had some medical tune-ups over the years. Plastic surgery for sure on her faces eyes and boobs for sure. I.
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