Mom's arm was soon better, and I discovered she could be a wild woman in the sack. It was really great. Unlike the other guys, I never got horny and...frustrated. My schoolwork improved. I even went out on a few casual dates with girls my own age. I never pressed them to hard to put out, and most seemed to appreciate that. I had a steady after a while and fingered her to little climaxes. Soon I had persuaded her to help me out too, and she would give me a handjob whenever I asked. It was. Eventually I switched tactics and started to do a good old-fashioned bob, sucking on him until he reached the back of my throat, then keeping the suction as I pulled my face back up, creating a sort of vacuum that drove men nuts. With the wall between us there was no way I could technically deepthroat a guy, not fully, but since he was of average length by the time he hit the back of my throat, there was only an inch or so left for me to try to get down, and I was never one to turn down a. As we reached the centre of the Dance floor, we stood facing each other, both grinning with an electric sexual charge buzzing between us. We were surrounded by the other dancers, as the music changed to a slow romantic tune. Steve placed his hands on my cinched waist and drew me close to him. My crotch nestled into his groin and I could already feel the stirrings of a very prominent bulge. Placing my arms around his neck, my pieced nipples pushed into his manly chest, growing more erect by the. Then he began to lecture.That continued for the rest of the evening. A perfectly ordinary tutoring session, except the student was completely naked. Oh, and once every half-an-hour to 45 minutes, he would move over to my side, pull his engorged dick out, and start jacking off.Sometimes I would turn my face and take him in my mouth, or replace his hand with mine and jerk his cock myself. However, there were also times when I just carried on writing, maybe just leaning back a little, seemingly.
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